The life of a writer

Steamy scenes and cheat days

How do you get in the right mindset for writing or editing steamy scenes? Mine is spelled WINE and NUTELLA.

Can not get enough.

Most of you will gasp in horror and shake your head at my ignorance, but I do actually prefer a glass of cold, crispy white wine over that favorite rich red one of yours. I need to grow up, I know, but I’m not turning thirty until next week so give me a break and let me stall it for a little while longer.

My current favorite is the organic “Crudo” from Sicily (Italy). The taste’s described as “fruity, youthful, flowery with slight sweetness, notes of pear, peach, mandarin, honeydew melon and elder berry”. As you can see – a complete winner (for your tastebuds, not your editor).

Crudo White Wine

I’ve mentioned in an earlier blog post that one of my best tips for writing steamy scenes is to become the characters, to feel what they feel (check it out here). I’ve also suggested that you throw all thoughts of who’s going to read what you’re writing straight out the window. Thinking about your mother-in-law will kill your creative process. No, in a matter of fact, it’ll slaughter it, cut it to pieces and feed it to the pigs. You get what I’m trying to say.

Become the characters. Period.

But I do have a few other suggestions:

  • Do have some wine. It’s Monday afternoon, so what? At one time in history, someone joked “write drunk, edit sober” (often wrongly cited to Hemingway; he was known to have a drink or two, but no researchers have ever found him writing or saying this), but there’s some wisdom to it. If your mind’s spinning with everyday tasks, children, finances, relationships etc., it can be difficult to tune in to that more sensual side. Apart from that it’s so darned delicious, a glass of wine can also help you relax a bit and ease you into that sensuality.
  • Snack it up! Sure, we want to be healthy and get all of that right nutrition and everything, but while you’re having a glass of wine anyway – why not pair it with your favorite snack? Mine happen to be as sinful as Nutella, but I don’t know, for someone it might be a piece of celery……..
  • Music, people. Music. Let me share what’s on in the background as I’m setting my mind right for the task:
    TiO – ZAYN
    I Got You (I Feel Good) – Jessie J
    Dusk till Dawn (Luca Lush Remix) – ZAYN
    I Put a Spell on You (Fifty Shades of Grey) – Annie Lennox
    Ride (feat. Macy Maloy) – Chase Rice
    Te Siento – Wisin & Yandel
    Bad Things – Machine Gun Kelly
    Strip it Down – Luke Bryan
    Slow Hands – Niall Horan
    All Night Long – Gabriel Antonio

Good luck – and keep it steamy.

That’s all for now,
hej så länge!

front nutella wine

side Nutella wine

up Nutella wine


Steamy scenes and cheat days Read More »

Perseverance and revision strategy

It’s #writerswednesday and March 14th. Today I’m wrapping up revising chapter seven of my paranormal romance novel Kilonova Blues. As I’ve mentioned earlier, my naïvety knew no boundaries when I sat down to schedule my work this spring. I estimated to spend one day per chapter for the first revision round, but boy, was I mistaken.

I’m still revising at the same slow, steady pace in which I set off with the first chapter, meaning I’m working through two chapters a week. With the first draft of the book coming in at 18 chapters, that means I’ve still got five weeks to go before the second draft’s finished. Instead of three to four weeks, I’ll end up spending roughly nine weeks in total on this part of the process. Deep breaths Aries, deep breaths… It’ll be worth it.
Since my 30th birthday’s coming up this spring as well, it’ll probably come in at ten or eleven weeks, ’cause I got myself a little trip to celebrate the occasion. 😉 I’ll tell you more about that later on.

So, how have I structured the work of revising the text? Well, for this first round, I’ve just decided to focus on rewriting everything that strikes me as too simply phrased. I try to glue the story together, make sure everything make sense, add to the story where the context seems to thin. I’m basically working through the body of the text. The key of my strategy is to focus on one thing at a time, at least this early in the process. Otherwise it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

While I work, I take notes on what I need to focus on for the next round (or the round after that, or the one after that…). So far, this is what I’ve found I need to work through:

  • Strike out as many adjectives and adverbs as possible – show, don’t tell
  • Check consistency for dates and time
  • Check accurate use of ´ vs. ‘
  • Check consistency for dialogue and quotes
  • How often do I use the phrase “a wide smile” – eventually replace?
  • How often do I use the phrase “a wry smile” – eventually replace?
  • How often do I use the word “gaze” – eventually replace?
  • Check “toward” vs. “towards”
  • Do I really like “eyes pop wide open”? How can I rephrase this surprised facial expression?
  • Check accurate use of “spark” vs. “sparkle”
  • “Ok” or “Okay” – choose which one
  • Check the phrasing of “with a (certain) tone of voice” vs. “in a (certain) tone of voice”

And I guess the list will continue to expand since I’m only half way through the first draft. As you can see, over the last couple of months, I’ve learned what every writer knows but all non-writers have no idea about – it takes time and a great dose of perseverance to write a GOOD book! Not to mention strong character and a considerable amount of self-confidence.

Visualization’s become my best friend, and when I’m not working, you’ll find me either meditating or Googling “kilonovas” or “blue eyes” for book cover inspiration! Some days, when I really get in the mood, I even Google which actors to cast for the movie…

Tomorrow’s an exciting day; I’ll be sharing the first quote from the book on Instagram. I’m beginning to get really excited to let you guys in on reading some chapters as well, it’ll most likely be posted on the blog sometime in May – keep your eyes open!

That’s all for now,
hej så länge!

girl in snow

blue eyes

close up suit

man with drink

jim Carrey quote

Perseverance and revision strategy Read More »

I know of a woman…

International Women’s Day. A day for celebrating the female sex or an opportunity to highlight structural issues causing gender inequality? Let me explain why I am rooting for the latter.

I live in Sweden. According to the 2017 Global Gender Gap Report conducted by the World Economic Forum, Sweden is the fifth best country to live in when it comes to gender equality ( On the top positions we find our beloved Nordic neighbors; Iceland, Norway and Finland, accompanied by Rwanda coming in as number four.

This report has come out annually since 2006, and the World Economic Forum has used the same indexes and indicators since, taking the following into account:

  • Economic participation and opportunity
    – Basically, they look into how many men and women are active in the labor market; how much the sexes earn; income equality for similar work; and how many men vs. women can be found in advanced positions.
  • Educational attainment
    – How many men and women can be found in the educational system; male vs. female literacy.
  • Health and survival
    – Here, they look into how many newborn girls “go missing” after birth (since the baby didn’t turn out to be a boy), as well as how many years men vs. women can expect to live in good health.
  • Political empowerment
    – They measure the gap between the number of men vs. women who are found at the highest level of political decision-making.

I would argue these indicators makes a solid foundation for a report like this. Can you imagine that these global data are even possible to collect? Imagine all the work behind putting together a report like this. And they do it annually! I am truly, from the bottom of my heart, both impressed and grateful that reports like this exist. It is so much more than we could have even hoped for only some twenty years ago. It is a very powerful tool to unmask and illuminate the varying conditions across the globe to which women have to adjust. However, I can not enough stress that it is just that. A very powerful tool.

A. Very. Powerful. Tool.

A. Tool.



You see, I have some issues with this. Not the very reports, no. We need them. But with the way they are used as a bat in the discussion of gender equality. Yes, Sweden is top five when it comes to gender equality, resulting from the methodology used in this particular report. But the very existence of this report does not say that there are no other indicators. Not once does the report claim to be all-encompassing when it comes to describing the situation for women in the world. Rather the opposite. Let me display this with a quote from its’ methodology description:

The third distinguishing feature of the Global Gender Gap Index is that it ranks countries according to their proximity to gender equality rather than to women’s empowerment. Our aim is to focus on whether the gap between women and men in the chosen indicators has declined, rather than whether women are winning the so-called “battle of the sexes”.

 World Economic Forum

So, what do I mean when I say that reports like this are “used as a bat in the discussion of gender equality”? Let me tell you. When I as a woman, speak up about gender inequality in Sweden, I get to hear things like; “Why are you complaining? Sweden is one of the top five countries in the world when it comes to gender equality. You’re basically living in one of the best countries on earth for a woman.” Do you see what this does? It uses the results of the report against me. As if I should be happy, content, grateful even. Because “it could be so much worse”. It ends up being a tool to take away my power, my speech, my voice.

woman screaming

What people need to understand is something that the World Economic Forum already knows; that their results does not focus on women’s empowerment. Just because Sweden is in the top five on lists of gender equality, that does not mean that the women living in Sweden are equal to the men living in Sweden. How can I be so sure of this? Well…

…I know of a woman who broke up with her boyfriend who’d been calculatingly cheating on her for years. She ended up being stalked by him.

…I know of another woman who was locked out of her home, naked, left to lie shivering in shame crawled up right outside her own front door.

…I know of another woman who was beaten so badly that the bones in her body cracked, leaving her in the hospital for days, lying to her family that she had been clumsy and fallen down the stairs.

…I know of another woman who was raped by a police student, a man in training to protect society from the very likes of himself.

…I know of another woman who was sexually abused as a child by her uncle.

…I know of another woman who discovered that all the men at her department earned more than 5 000 USD/month. About half of the workforce consisted of women, performing same work as their male co-workers. Every single woman earned below that figure.

…I know of countless other women who daily have the main responsibility for household chores, project managing their own homes and families, without being paid a single dime. If they are lucky, their men will “help”. When being asked.

I know of all of these women. They, in turn, know of just as many. Who in turn, know of just as many. These stories does not show in reports like the 2017 Global Gender Gap Report. They are shown in the Me Too-movement. They are shown in trusted conversations. They are shown in books, music and theatre.

We change the world by trusting each other, listening to each other, supporting each other. If you have not thought in these terms before, please be humble enough to admit to yourself you have been part of the problem, even if you can not clearly see it. Assume you have been part of the problem, and decide today to do something actively to ensure you are being part of the solution instead.
Even if it is just to unfollow Dan Bilzerian.

Do not make this day an opportunity to buy flower to your woman. Do not say “congratulations” or “happy international women’s day”. Why? Because it means nothing in changing the reality women face 365 days a year. Appreciate the females in your life not more today than you are man enough to do any other day. By all means, appreciate her if you want, but do not fool yourself to think you have done your part for the day by doing just that. I want to challenge you to do something different today, something genuine:

Call, write or visit a woman in your life that is close to you, let it be a sister, mother, girlfriend, wife, niece, cousin, friend – and say to her: I acknowledge your struggle. I am in awe of the strength in which you lead your life as a woman. What can I do to assist you or support you? How can I be a tool for our joint cause to empower women and reach gender equality?

Commit yourself to, that from today, do your part.

That’s all for now,
hej så länge!

Women's March Washington

I know of a woman… Read More »

Heritage and vision

I was born in the barren landscape of Småland, located in the southern part of Sweden. The harsh conditions of the region are what made a couple of hundred thousand people leave in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, hoping to build a better future for themselves in the promising land of America.

I grew up on the countryside, a few miles away from the birthplace of IKEA. My mother’s dad was a carpenter and my father’s dad a farmer, men of their time with little insights into the emotional or spiritual realms of their lives. What mattered was only how hard you were able to work. Both my grandmothers were soft, gentle souls, yet super women made of steel. They were thrown into a world where all they could do was to adjust, and love just as hard as their husbands worked.

In his youth, about the same time as his peer Ingvar Kamprad began building IKEA, my mother’s father travelled to the U.S. to visit his cousin. He ended up spending some time over there, practicing his craft while building American skyscrapers and fell in love with an American woman. Little could he do when he was called in to fight the Koreans, but to get on the next boat back to Sweden. Lucky for me, because the first weekend after his return, he met my grandmother at a dance and the rest is history.

I took my first job as a swimming teacher when I was 14. During high school, I also tried out customer support and the local post office. After graduation, I got my first real employment assembling wheel chairs, serving merely as financial stability while I was trying to figure out what to do with my life.

The never ending burning world around us bothered me deeply, and the small-minded political views surrounding me at the factory eventually forced me out of there, even though I had no idea what to do next. I booked a ticket for New York to study English. I left with an urge to just switch environment, but when I came back a month later I felt more vibrantly alive than I’d ever been. I ended up booking a three-week bartender course to Gran Canaria, Spain. Three weeks turned into six months and there I met one of my best friends, whose son I’m now the godmother to. The modest 30 euros I earned per night behind the bar has never bothered me as I think of everything else I won during those months.

In Spain, I realized I need to do something to make this world we live in a better place. I returned to Sweden, worked up some money as a credit manager during summer, and began studying political science. How could I change the world if I didn’t understand the forces forming it right now? During my studies, I engaged in refugee consultations at the Red Cross, and after my bachelor’s degree I began working with environmental issues at the local municipality. But I wanted to do more. Have bigger impact. I went back to the university and took my master’s in global studies. Then I worked with local authorities to shorten the road for refugees to the Swedish labour market; I worked at a home for refugee children coming to the country without their families; I worked as manager for a project aiming to create understanding and build relationships between Swedish-born and refugee teenagers. But still, I want to do more. Have bigger impact.

My passion for writing is a whole other chapter. In my writing I can express myself as a woman, analyze relationships, explore factors for personal development and growth, live out conflicts and contradictions. It’s a creative sphere where I can be free and lift the heavy burden of trying to change the world off my shoulders for a while. In my writing I’m free to play, free to find the way back to my inner child who doesn’t care about nothing else than to explore, enjoy and laugh. Right now, I’m indulging myself completely in the bubble of being a full-time romance writer.

My clearest vision and deepest wish for the future is to combine these two sides of my life and personality. To be able to use my playful soul in building a platform as a writer, which in the long run can assist my more serious mind when it comes to changing this world for the better.

I welcome you all to follow me on this journey!

That’s all for now,
hej så länge!

Evelyn Lux Fall -17

Evelun Lux Fall -17_2

Evelyn Lux Fall -17_3

Heritage and vision Read More »

Revising shocks and pride

Writing novels ain’t no walk in the park. However, last week something pretty amazing happened; I finished the first draft of Kilonova Blues!

Ten months ago, I sat down at my computer and succumbed to the pressing urge I felt to write. It was Thursday April 20th, and during Thursday and Friday evening, I wrote the first chapter of 23 pages. The thrill I felt as the words came flowing out of me at that rapid speed was amazing. I was working full time as a project manager at the time, and of course, I didn’t have the energy to keep writing at that pace. But I kept writing. And last Friday, I finally wrote the last sentence of the first draft. It came in on 18 chapters and 111 390 words.

The project I was working with came to an end on December 31st, and I decided to take this opportunity to write full time for a while. So far, I’ve spent my time on building the website, content planning and writing to finish that first draft. AND IT’S FINALLY DONE! It feels surreal.

So, on Monday this week I began revising the first chapter of the text. What can I say but Oh. My. God. The quality of the text was so bad! I altered between laughing and crying as I read and realized that I probably needed to rewrite most of the chapter. I could definitely see the story I have in my head reflected in the text, but the way it was written was just so embarrassing. And I remember thinking something like “Yeah, I’m born to do this!” right after I’d finished it, thinking it was the best I’d ever seen! I’ve decided to view this as proof that my writing’s developed greatly over the past ten months, and that actually feels fantastic. I can only dream of where I’ll be in another ten months!

Development itself, in whatever form it may come, is amazing. It’s there to confirm that whatever we’re doing on this earth is actually worth something. Not financially, but personally. We get something for it. We become better, we refine our skills, we broaden our views of the world and ourselves. To be able to read that first chapter of the first draft of the first book I’ve ever written, and identify progress in my writing skills – I choose to see that as a gift. In ten years time, I hope I’ll be able to look at the five or six of my published titles on the book shelf, and think back on the courage I had to write that first draft all those years ago.

I’ve reworked the first chapter now, resulting in a cut of roughly 1 300 words and better formulations. Can’t wait till the next round where I’ll focus on replacing as many adverbs as I can possibly find and formulate even stronger sentences 😉 But first – chapter two, here I come!

That’s all for now,
hej så länge!

Candles and papers

Papers and flower

Candles and flower

Papers and writer

Work station

Revising shocks and pride Read More »

Coffee and passion

Currently, I’m working on finishing the first draft of Kilonova Blues, my paranormal romance novel. My outline states I’m only supposed to write two more chapters, then I’m done. However, as I was working on the second to last chapter yesterday, something happened which every writer LOVES. My characters came alive and decided to have their own say in the story!

So what was intended to be a steamy, passionate chapter actually turned out to be some sort of soul gazing chapter instead, bringing my main characters even closer to each other. Even though I really, really just want to finish the draft, I couldn’t help myself. What was meant to be one chapter now turned into two!

Writer´s Wednesday

The intended, steamy love scene is still ahead of me, which really doesn’t bother me that much anyway. I know many writers dread the part where their characters get physical, struggling to find the right words to bring the reader into the action. And not to mention the awkwardness thinking about your friends and family reading this later on – urgh! Sweaty.

My trick to get around this is simply to frame your mind away from reality. Enter the book. Become the characters. Feel what they feel. Step into the world you’ve created and let it shower you with experiences. Show the reader how this affects your character by using your endless imagination. Don’t you ever for a second dare to think of that mom of yours or your old employer! What happens between you and the keys beneath your fingertips is one thing, what happens between the reader and the book is another. Books are first and foremost personal experiences. Let go of the awkwardness and embarrassment. Dare to feel and express!

Writer´s Wednesday Tulips

With two chapters left of the first draft, I estimate four full days of work to go before I finish. On a good day, when I’m not interrupted by anything, I write approximately ten book pages. Obviously, there’s a lot of work to be done with the text as I start revising it. But as I get the story out of me, I just try to write without letting style, grammar or others errors bother me too much.

Writer´s Wednesday Work

I must say, I’m in love with the story of Alexandra Johnson and Marcus Meyers in Kilonova Blues. For those who know me, the fact that I’m working a lot with astrology to give depth to my characters comes as no surprise. The chemistry between Allie (Virgo) and Marcus (Scorpio) is unmistakable, and sometimes when I write I simply cannot stop, only to get to see myself what will happen as their relationship evolves!

Writer´s Wednesday Coffee

As soon as I’ve come along revising a few chapters, I´ll start sharing excerpts from the story with you guys.
I´d love your feedback! Until then, I´ll have my coffee black in an attempt to keep a clear mind, and do my best to cross the finish line with the first draft as soon as possible. Now I´m off to deal with Allie in that wooden cabin where I left her, and why the heck did Marcus leave? What was he going to fetch?

Writer´s Wednesday Writer

That’s all for now,
hej så länge!

Coffee and passion Read More »

Welcome to the blog!

My name is Evelyn Lux and I’m so excited you found your way to my website!

I am a romance writer, based in Sweden, who’s decided to take some time off to pursue my dream to become a published author. More precisely, I’ve set aside the coming six months to be able to work full-time with it.

The blog will serve as a platform where I’ll be able to connect with YOU guys and I invite you to join me in my adventure of bringing my stories to the market. New blog posts will be up once a week and they’ll mainly focus on the process of writing a novel, tips on improving your own writing as well as bits and pieces from my life.

To catch up on what I’m currently working on, don’t miss to check out the “Projects”-page by clicking here! And to get a quick, introductory background to who I am, all you’ve got to do is click here.

If this is not enough for you, be sure to keep an eye on the blog! (I recommend to sign up through the form on this page to make sure you don’t miss out on anything 😉 ) You can also check out my Instagram and Twitter accounts.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing! Eventually, I’ll be posting excerpts from my first paranormal romance novel Kilonova Blues here on the blog. You wouldn’t want to miss that…

That´s all for now,
hej så länge!


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